Posts by Gauthier Family Home Care
Great Board Games for Seniors
Games are a great way for caregivers to pass the time with seniors. They can help forge a connection and keep the senior’s mind off health problems. Games can also draw grandparents closer with grandchildren since they are multi-generational and fun for everyone. Sometimes family members feel awkward around older adults because they don’t know…
Read MoreGFHC 2017 Summer Caregiver Appreciation Day
When we decided to create our home care agency almost 6 years ago we had one guiding rule that helped us focus our attention when making important decisions every day. One rule. “Do whatever it takes to make each client happy and safe at every shift we work”. That rule still drives every decision we…
Read MoreHow to Avoid Lyme Disease This Tick Season
Summer is tick season, and that means that it is also potentially “Lyme disease season.” Lyme disease is caused by a tick bite, and can present symptoms like a target-shaped rash, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms like fever. Sometimes, Lyme disease goes undiagnosed for an excruciatingly long period of time, and it is often misdiagnosed as…
Read MoreCaring for a Senior with Diabetes
If your aging loved one has diabetes, chances are, they have had it for many years, if not most of their life. They know exactly what to do if their blood sugar gets too low or if it gets too high, and they know what they need to do in order to simulate the working…
Read More5 Things a Doctor Should Check if Your Aging Loved One Falls
It is fairly common knowledge that the elderly are more prone to falling than the rest of us. It is something that caregivers and senior care aides always have to be prepared for, and something that could happen at any time. It is not usually something that happens for no reason, though. Someone (even an…
Read MoreSay Hi to Kristina Smith!
As our client census and hours have steadily increased over the last year we decided to bring someone on staff to back up Jane with scheduling and assist other administrative functions in our office. Our biggest concern was chemistry. As you know, our business can be a little stressful (understatement!) since we operate 24/7 and…
Read MorePlay Brain Games With Seniors
When both the mind and the body are active, elderly people live happier, healthier lives. Family caregivers can ensure their aging loved ones keep in fine mental shape by introducing them to stimulating “brain games.” These are games that researchers believe will promote brain health, boost cognitive ability and delay the onset of dementia. Many…
Read MoreWatch Out for Ticks and Your Aging Loved One
If your aging loved one isn’t an outdoor enthusiast anymore, you may think that reading an article about ticks and seniors is a strange combination. However, just because your elderly loved one isn’t out hiking mountain trails doesn’t mean they can’t encounter ticks. Especially in spring and summer in certain parts of the country, it’s…
Read MoreAre Cats a Good Idea for Seniors?
Sometimes for seniors, the world becomes a smaller and smaller place as their social circle dwindles and they become less mobile due to age. When this happens, life can get pretty lonely. If that’s the case for your parent, a pet might be a good choice as a companion. Since June is Adopt a Cat…
Read MoreThe Best Diet to Prevent Heart Disease
In today’s world, almost everyone knows someone who has heart disease in their family. Maybe a relative has had a heart attack, or maybe someone has experienced heart failure or other fatal conditions. It is a scary thing to think about, and the fact that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death…
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