Caregiver of the Month


Caregiver in Rockford MI After starting our home care agency from scratch, I learned that the hardest job in the world is being a scheduler in this business!!  Once you have multiple clients and lots of caregivers, the responsibility to be sure each shift is covered, every hour, every day falls on the scheduler. And…

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Caregiver Appreciation Event


Caregiver in Grand Rapids MI   Caregiver Appreciation Event Trailhead Café Featuring: River City Improv   The very most important challenge we face in fulfilling our commitment to be the best home care agency in west Michigan, is to hire the best caregivers in west Michigan.  Without the finest, most dedicated home care professionals working…

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Five Surprising Reasons Why Your Loved One Has a Runny Nose


Caregiver in Kentwood MI When you are sure that your loved one does not have a cold and allergy season is over, nasal congestion can be a frustrating problem for both elderly adults and caregivers.  For family caregivers who are always working to reduce allergens in the home but are still observing that their loved…

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Problem with Constipation? Try These 8 Foods


Home Care in Hudsonville MI Constipation is an issue that everyone has to conquer at one time in their lives.  This becomes even more of a problem for elders. This condition affects approximately 30 percent of Americans and is defined as having “fewer than three bowel movements per week.” There could be any number of…

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How to Keep Your Aging Parent Cool While On Summer Outings

Senior Care in Cascade MI

Senior Care in Cascade MI Staying cool can be a challenge during the hottest months of the year, but if you are a caregiver for your aging parent, it is critical to take the proper steps to prevent overheating. Older adults are at particular risk of overheating due to their bodies being less capable of…

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Helping Your Parent Recover from Knee Replacement Surgery


Elderly Care in Jenison MI Each year more than 600,000 total knee replacement surgeries are performed throughout the United States. The vast majority of these are performed on older adults. This type of surgery can give your parent a tremendous improvement in their quality of life, enabling them to live more happily, comfortably, and actively,…

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Caregiver of the Month


Caregiver in Grand Rapids MI At Gauthier Family Home Care, we continue to be blessed with the very best caregivers in west Michigan.  Case in point, our Caregiver of the Month for June, Larry Richard.  Larry is married to Mary Jo, a nurse practitioner.  They have three grown children, Alex, Brooke (both married and busy…

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Firework Safety Tips for the Elderly


Caregiver in Hudsonville MI The Fourth of July is rapidly approaching, which means the dark night sky will be filled with colorful streaks and sparks left by fireworks. They are often exciting to watch for people of all ages, but can also be extremely dangerous. Older adults are often not as mobile as younger generations,…

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Best Ways to Reduce Fall Risk in the Bedroom


Elderly Care in Ada MI The bedroom is an important area of your parent’s home when it comes to their care. This is where your loved one rests and restores themselves, where they recover from injuries and illnesses, and where they may handle tasks such as dressing and grooming. Keeping this room as safe as…

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