Posts by Gauthier Family Home Care
Tips for Helping Mom through Positive Elder Care
Elder Care in Lowell MI You have been taking care of your aging mother for several months. During the first several weeks, she only needed a little bit of help here and there around the house. For the most part, you only had to help carry laundry downstairs, bring it back up, help her fold…
Read MoreHome Care May Cost Less Than Family Caregivers Trying to "Do-It-Themselves"
Home Care in Lowell MI Caring for an elderly family member or loved one is something most of us face at some time in our life. With families growing more and more distant geographically, the issue has become more challenging and complex. Most people are living longer, have better health and capability, and want to…
Read MoreGetting the Most Out of Home Care begins by being Prepared for Anything
Home Care in Ada MI Accepting the assistance of another individual, especially for basic care like getting out of bed, getting dressed, or even bathing, can feel like losing a bit of independence. However, at some point in time, an elderly individual may experience numerous physical challenges or health problems that make it necessary to…
Read MoreDifficult Elderly Care Decisions: When It May Be Time for Your Parents to Stop Driving
Elderly Care in Lowell MI When you took on the role as a family caregiver for your aging parents you likely expected to step in and help them handle daily needs, or even transition them into your home so that they could live comfortably and continue to enjoy a high quality of life. What you…
Read MoreCAREGIVER OF THE MONTH February 2015
From Dan’s desk: Our February Caregiver of the Month is Diane Larson and this accolade is long overdue. Diane is just plain a “rock star” for our agency! I remember interviewing her in a coffee shop in Rockford (notice the brick background in her photo?!!). She wrote on her application that she “is a people…
Read MoreRelying on Neighbors for the Senior Who Needs Care
Rockford, MI – Relying on Neighbors for the Senior Who Needs Care When George was looking after his wife, who was 76 at the time, he felt a bit overwhelmed. For most of their marriage his wife cooked the meals and took care of him while he was out working. Even after he retired this…
Read MoreHome Care: Undertanding Hearing Impairments
Home Care in Jenison, MI – Understanding Hearing Impairments Hearing loss and other impairments will likely increase with age. Even a person who has a hearing aid will have certain limitations he or she will need to address and overcome. Understand Hearing Loss To understand what it’s like to live with a hearing impairment, place…
Read MoreHow to Discuss Hiring An Elder Care Provider
Kentwood, MI – How to Discuss Hiring An Elder Care Provider Most seniors find it difficult to talk about the challenges they are facing. Whether it’s health-related or involves taking care of themselves or their home, most elderly loved ones have a hard time asking for help. This can make talking about elder care and…
Read MoreDoes Your Loved One Need Help and Companionship?
Senior Care in Kentwood, MI – Does Your Loved One Need Help and Companionship? It’s not something that is always talked about openly, but mental illness is a real problem. It may be surprising, but mental health illnesses affect about 20% of the senior population. Many seniors suffer with depression or mood disorders, but, unfortunately,…
Read MoreEnjoying the Super Bowl with your Elderly Loved One
Lowell, MI – Enjoying the Super Bowl with your Elderly Loved One America will be celebrating Super Bowl XLIX (49). This game has been a family tradition for decades, and the viewership continues to grow every year. Whether your loved one is a football fan or not, this is an opportunity to involve him or…
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