Posts by Gauthier Family Home Care
Have You Considered that Being a Family Caregiver Can Cause Strain on the Relationship? Learn to Listen
One Family Caregiver’s Experience in Ada, MI – Respecting the Patient’s Wishes You decided that you should be your father’s caregiver because he wasn’t going to accept help from a complete stranger and after his heart attack, then when he also broke his arm, I knew he was going to need a lot of help…
Read MoreDo You Know? The Proper Steps to follow in an Emergency Situation?
3 Important Steps to Take during an Elder Care Emergency in Grand Rapids, MI Whenever you have an emergency, it is important to focus on making sure that another individual is safe. When you are providing elder care for somebody, emergency situations are more likely to occur. If you panic or don’t take the proper…
Read MoreLearn How Harry dealt with Being Lonely
Conquering Boredom and Loneliness with the Proper Senior Care in Grand Rapids, MI Harry was lonely and bored most of the time these days. He was 78 years old, most of his friends had either passed away or moved closer to family, and he wasn’t really interested in the activities that other seniors took part…
Read MoreDo You Know Why Elderly Individuals Commit Suicide?
How Home Care Services in Grand Rapids, MI Can Help Prevent Suicide among Patients Suicide is a very real and serious risk among elderly individuals. In fact, the risk of suicide for an elderly individual is higher than any other age group, including youths. Home care services can make a significant difference in the life…
Read MorePizza Time! Elder Care and a Great Deal of Fun in Jenison, MI
Is there any food in the world that is more American than pizza? Aside from barbecues complete with hamburgers and hotdogs, there really isn’t much that is more American. Even though summer has come to an end, or at least is closing in on autumn, pizza is great all year round. When you are providing…
Read MoreReaching Out to Other Caregivers Can Make You a Better Elderly Care Provider in East Grand Rapids, MI
Miranda had been a caregiver for a little over six months when she realized that there was a lot that she didn’t know about it. She had agreed to take care of a neighbor because she had the time and didn’t have to commute to the job. She didn’t really consider herself an elderly care…
Read MoreSenior Citizen’s Day and Senior Care in Hudsonville, MI
August 21st is Senior Citizen’s Day and it is a prime opportunity to talk about proper senior care. Depending on the individual, senior care could be about around-the-clock support or it could be just a couple of hours a day once or twice a week. There are many different reasons why an individual would require…
Read MoreElder Care in Jenison, MI: Help Boost Confidence and Energy with Yoga
Elder care providers can offer a wide range of services and support for aging individuals. They can also help elderly patients get the proper level of exercise that they need. There are many exercises that elderly people can take part in that can improve strength, endurance, and even stamina. When an elderly individual does not…
Read MoreHome Care in Cascade, MI – August is National Panini Month
For elderly loved ones who live alone in their own home, sometimes the day comes when they just need more help than family members are able to provide. This may happen because they have become a little feeble or perhaps an illness has reduced their energy and mobility. It’s difficult for family members to know…
Read MoreOne Daughter's Elder Care Dilemma in Kentwood, MI: Mom Shouldn’t be Living Alone – Now What?
Three months ago, my father passed away after a long illness. My mother was there for him the entire time and I know that he appreciated all that she did for him, just as he appreciated all of the things that she sacrificed through the years for me and my sister. I went to visit…
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