3 Major Types of Conflict Among Caregivers and What You Can Do About Them
Caregiver in East Grand Rapids MI
Caregiving can unfortunately cause people to come together and it can cause them to argue and fight. Part of the reason for this is that you’re dealing with strong emotions and opinions and that can create strong reactions. Here are some of the major types of conflict you’re likely to encounter while caregiving and some ideas for resolving those conflicts.
The Primary Caregiver Isn’t Getting Help
Quite often the primary caregiver feels all alone in this endeavor. Other family members might have no problem tossing out their opinions, but they don’t always pitch in when the chips are down. One reason for this is because although other family members have opinions, they don’t always know exactly how to help out or where to pitch in, so they just don’t. Now, in some cases, they don’t want to do the hard work at all, but that can be more rare. One way around this is to get help wherever you can, which might mean hiring someone. Where other family members aren’t able to pitch in in other ways, they might be more willing to help by contributing to hiring senior care providers.
Siblings or Other Family Members Cannot Agree
Stress and concern can keep even the closest family members from seeing eye to eye about health decisions for an elderly loved one. Fostering open communication can be a huge help in this type of situation. Regular family meetings and access to all important information also helps. In severe cases, you might want to bring in a third-party mediator, such as a counselor or other type of respected person.
Caregivers Are Struggling with Distance
More families than ever are spread out over larger distances, which makes caregiving even tougher on everyone involved. If the primary caregiver is located near the loved one, other family members can help by picking up slack such as making phone calls or researching health conditions. There are other ways to pitch in that can help quite a bit even if those people can’t physically be there as often as they’d like to be.
Working with other caregivers in the family can get complicated, but when everyone remembers why they’re there, that can make the conflicts seem less important.
If you or someone you know needs help with caregiver services in East Grand Rapids, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.
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