How to Get More in Touch with Your Own Feelings When You Don't Have a Lot of Time

Caregiver in Jenison MI

As a family caregiver, you might find it difficult to take the time to focus on your own feelings due to your other duties. The good news is that you can focus on yourself in just a few minutes each day and net big results.Caregiver-in-Jenison-MI

Pay Attention to Your Physical Body

Many people don’t pay much attention to their body until it lets them know that it’s experiencing pain or a problem. Try spending time throughout the day, a few minutes at a time, just focusing on your physical body and letting it tell you what is going on with your physical form.

Stay Present During the Day

It’s really easy in a busy life to rush from one project or event to another. Instead, try focusing and making sure that you’re present for every single action you take throughout the day. Set multitasking aside and let yourself do one thing at a time. It might seem weird at first, but maintaining that focus helps to keep you in the moment.

Breathe Deeply Several Times a Day

When you get overwhelmed or stressed, you may not realize that your breathing changes. It’s far more likely to become shallow, which sends the signal to your brain that you’re even more stressed. To break that cycle, focus on taking deep breaths several times per day. Put your hand on your belly and concentrate on breathing deeply enough to lift your hand.

Take a Few Minutes to Meditate

Meditation sounds more complicated than it really is. All you have to do is take a few minutes to relax, close your eyes, and clear your mind. If you’re having a tough time keeping your mind clear of your to do list and your worries, try simply counting your breaths. Start with a minute or two at a time and then gradually work up to five and ten minute spans of time that you devote to meditating.

Practice Gratitude

As you spend time expressing your gratitude for all of your various blessings, you’ll start to realize what lights you up and gives you joy. One way to do this regularly and without taking up a lot of time is to keep a gratitude journal. You can simply jot down a few things each day for which you’re grateful and then periodically review your list.

Try adding just one of these ideas to your day and then work your way slowly through the others to avoid overwhelming yourself.

If you or someone you know needs help with caregiver services in Jenison, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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