Skin Conditions Found among the Elderly

Caregiver in Rockford MI

As we age, our skin changes.  Depending on a person’s lifestyle, whether they smoke or like to lie in the sun for example, also plays a factor in how a person’s skin ages.  For the elderly, they will Caregiver-in-Rockford-MImost likely begin to see skin changes later in life.  Rough and dry skin is common among the elderly, as is thinning or transparent skin, and benign growths.  Other common skin conditions in the elderly include:

Skin Cancer:  Exposure to the sun is what causes the most damage to a person’s skin.  This can sometimes result in skin cancer.  One million individuals 65 years or less develop skin cancer every year in the United States.

Age Spots:  These are brown patches that are the result of sun exposure. The can be typically found on face, hands and forearms.

Bedsores:  Also known as skin ulcers, bedsores occur due to sitting or lying down for long periods of time. Too much pressure on one spot for too long causes the skin to form an open sore. People with diabetes are more prone to bedsores because of poor circulation and loss of feeling in the skin.

How to Prevent Skin Conditions in the Elderly

The skin is an organ that repairs itself.  To help it along, here are few helpful tips to follow.

  1. Since sun damage is irreversible, be sure an elderly parent always uses sunscreen outdoors.  A hat, sunglasses and light, loose clothing that covers the arms and legs will also prevent exposure to the sun. This is something an elderly care provider will be certain to see gets done when necessary.
  2. For dry, itchy and flaky skin, it is a good idea to keep it lubricated with lotion and hydrated with lots of water.  A humidifier in the bedroom and/or sitting room is also helpful. Don’t bathe more than necessary as this tends to aggravate dry skin.
  3. The elderly should get their skin checked out regularly by a dermatologist.  It’s also important to keep an eye out for moles that change in appearance or new skin growths and get these looked at. An elderly care provider can help out by transporting an elderly loved one to and from doctor appointments.
  4. Frequently changing positions for immobile elderly is the best way to prevent bed sores.  Having an elderly care professional to do this regularly will ensure an aging parent doesn’t need to suffer from this preventable skin condition.


If you or someone you know needs help with caregiver services in Rockford, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.


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