Common Reasons for Cognitive Issues in the Elderly

If you are taking care of an elderly loved one, you must know there are many reasons why they might suffer from cognitive issues. Some of these range from common issues that are easily fixed, while others are more severe and not easily treatable. However, knowing more about the reasons for cognitive issues in the elderly can help you to better understand and figure out what your elderly loved one is going through.

Bad Reaction to Medications

Elderly Care East Grand Rapids, MI: Cognitive Issues in the Elderly

There are some medications that your elderly loved one might have a bad reaction to. Most commonly these medications would include antidepressants, blood pressure medications, set of this, antihistamines, and diabetes medication. These are some of the medications that might cause your loved one to experience cognitive issues. Most of the time you or elderly care providers would notice that your elderly loved one is experiencing memory issues.

Emotional Issues

If your loved one is experiencing depression or anxiety, this could also cause cognitive issues to occur. They may seem inattentive, disoriented, or have slowed responses. If you notice any of these issues, it may be time to talk to your elderly loved one. Ask them if they are feeling depressed or anxious about anything. If they are, you can bring them to their doctor and see what treatment would be best for their anxiety or depression.

Body Changes

There are some body changes that could cause your loved one to have cognitive issues. Anemia, dehydration, blood sodium level changes, and blood sugar level changes could cause these issues to occur. If your elderly loved one is experiencing cognitive issues, take them to their doctor to be assessed for these issues.

Thyroid Levels

Lower levels of thyroid hormones or even extremely high levels of this hormone could cause your elderly loved one to experience cognitive issues. When metabolism in one’s body runs too quickly or too slowly, the brain is altered. If this is what is happening, you might notice that your elderly loved one is experiencing concentration issues or forgetfulness.

Not Eating Healthy

If your elderly loved one isn’t eating well enough, they might experience cognitive issues. For example, if they have protein malnutrition, vitamin B3 deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, or vitamin B1 deficiency they could experience cognitive issues.

Head Injury

Another cause for cognitive issues in the elderly is a head injury. You might not even know that your loved one has a head injury. They may have fallen and injured their head during the fall. If you can’t figure out why your loved one is experiencing cognitive issues, ask them if they have fallen. If they aren’t sure, take them to the doctor to have them assessed for a head injury.

These are some of the reasons for cognitive issues in the elderly. If your elderly loved one is experiencing cognitive issues, get them assessed and treated by their doctor right away.


If you or someone you know needs help with Elderly Care in East Grand Rapids, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.



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