How to Help Your Loved One Recover After Hip Surgery

Elder Care in Comstock Park MI

Hip surgery is common but it’s still a big deal for your loved one. No matter why your loved one needs surgery, it’s important to know how to get her back on her feet again after she recovers. YourElder-Care-in-Comstock-Park-MI loved one might need extra help with that, so it’s important to know what to expect.


Follow Doctor’s Orders about Rest and Exercise

Your loved one’s doctor is going to be your first and best source for how to handle life after hip surgery. He’ll let your loved one know how much activity she needs, the kinds of exercises she should do, and how much rest she needs. Make sure that you understand what to look for and how to help your loved one heal before you even head home form surgery. If you have questions or something doesn’t seem right with your loved one once you’re home, call the doctor’s office immediately.


Get Extra Help if You Need It

It’s possible that normal caregiving is all you can handle and caregiving after a surgery can be much more intense. Do yourself and your loved one a favor and hire elder care providers to give you an extra hand during recovery. If you only need them temporarily, that’s great, but if you find that they’re more helpful than you ever suspected, they may become a regular part of your loved one’s life.


Physical Therapy Isn’t a Waste of Time

Many times people who have had hip surgery fear that physical therapy is just a waste of time. The truth is that physical therapists can help to assess your loved one’s movement and progress after surgery. They’ll also teach you and your loved one exercises that can help her to heal better and can help to improve her range of motion. Physical therapy is one appointment your loved one doesn’t want to miss.


Help Your Loved One Learn Her New Limits

As your loved one is healing, she may need to cut back on some of her hobbies or not be as active as she may have been in the past. This is often very temporary and physical therapy is only one of the tools that her doctor may prescribe to help her get back to where she was before surgery.

Having hip surgery doesn’t mean that your loved one is now confined to her bed.

If you or someone you know needs help with elder care in Comstock Park, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.


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