Emergency Preparation Tips for Elderly Adults

Natural disasters can cause havoc to an entire community. They can be hard to handle no matter what your age. However, this is especially true for the elderly. A natural disaster can force people to evacuate their homes. These types of situations can be traumatizing and stressful. However, there are some ways you can keep your elderly loved one safer and more prepared if and when a tragic disaster occurs in your area.  

Knowing the Risks 

Elder Care Lowell, MI: Emergency Preparation Tips

It seems that natural disasters can occur all over the world. Research shows the elderly population should keep in mind their geographical risk in regard to emergency situations. Numerous areas of the U.S. and other parts of the world have seen many disasters take place such as the following: 

  • Tornadoes 
  • Earthquakes 
  • Major floods 
  • Damaging high winds 
  • Blizzards 

These are only a few of the natural disasters that have swept through our nation. It is essential to have a good grasp of your elderly loved one’s location and be prepared for what might lay ahead. For instance, if your elderly loved one lives in an area that gets a lot of rainfall, it is a good idea to take steps to ensure their house has the proper insurance. This way if there is a major flood, they should be covered. If you’re not sure what steps to take to help your elderly loved one, you should try to speak with your elder care specialist or other family members for guidance.  

Creating a Plan 

It can be hard to stay calm and concentrate when someone comes knocking on your door and tells you to evacuate. This is why having a plan in place for your elderly loved one is so essential. Today would be a great day to help create a plan for your elderly loved one. Some details to think about include the following:  

  • Make a list of family member’s phone numbers and addresses 
  • Write down your elderly loved one’s health insurance information 
  • Put your elderly loved one’s social security cards in a place where you can quickly get to them or write their social security numbers down  
  • Jot down any information like bank account numbers or any other number you think might be needed during an emergency disaster situation 

After you do these things, put them in a secure folder and place them in an accessible place. This way they can be grabbed quickly when they are needed. 

Having an Emergency Contact List 

Many elder care specialists recommend that elderly adults talk to their neighbors and ask them what they plan to do in the event of a natural disaster. If your elderly loved one doesn’t feel comfortable speaking with their neighbors, try reaching out to community organizations such as a senior program to see if they can help your loved one make a plan. Your elderly loved one can also speak with family or friends about how they feel these types of situations should be handled. The idea is to have a large network of people who can help your elderly loved one through the devastation if or when a natural disaster strikes.  


A natural disaster can be a traumatizing and stressful situation. Your elderly loved one could have to be evacuated from their home. Being prepared ahead of time could help your elderly loved one get through this type of emergency situation safely. Help your elderly loved one create their emergency preparation plan today to ease some of the stress.  


If you or someone you know needs help with elder care in Lowell, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care.We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community.Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information. 




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