Feel as if You’re Not Doing Enough as a Long-distance Caregiver?

Being a caregiver when you live far away from your elderly family member isn’t the easiest thing to do. In fact, some days you may wonder if you’re accomplishing anything at all. Instead of beating yourself up, try some of these suggestions to get the most out of this experience.

Local Agencies Can Help

Home Care Grand Rapids, MI:Long-distance Caregiver

Lots of times families don’t know what local agencies work with caregivers and aging adults. That’s usually because all of this is new to you and finding these agencies is tough at first. Once you do locate them, though, you’ll find that they can help your senior with a variety of situations that she might have been trying to handle on her own.

Make Sure You’ve Got Accurate Records

It’s really important that you know what’s happening. The best way to keep track of all of that is to take notes and to make sure that you’ve got copies of important paperwork. You might want to keep a folder or a binder with all of your information in one place so it’s easy for you to access when you need it. There’s a lot of paperwork when you’re a caregiver and it can multiply quickly, so you need to have an organizational system.

Get Some Other Perspectives

You’re not able to be there in person, but maybe other family members are able to be there. Having information from their point of view can help to either confirm or correct information that you have from other sources. Another great solution is to hire home care providers. They can check in with your senior, help her with whatever she needs help doing, and then let you know what they’re seeing.

Make it a Point to Schedule Some Visits

Even with all sorts of additional help, nothing can truly replace you being able to visit with your senior in person and see for yourself what’s going on. You might not be able to do this as often as you’d like, but if you can schedule a trip at least once a year that can be enough to get you the additional information that you need to make the best decisions possible.

It’s not easy to be far away from the people you love when they need your help the most. Being a long-distance caregiver is definitely possible, though, and you can make much more of a difference than you think you can.


If you or someone you know needs help with Home Care in Grand Rapids, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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