Foods All Seniors Should Have In Their Fridges

In-home care providers can help seniors shop and prep using healthier foods while they age.

In-home care providers can help seniors shop and prep using healthier foods while they age.

Eating the right fruits, vegetables, and proteins is one of the best ways to maintain optimal health. However, as your seniors age, they may stop cooking, leading to less eating, less nutrition, and more health problems. There may be many reasons why your senior stops cooking, which is something that in-home care providers can help with. Your senior loved one may not have a way to grocery shop for what they need, they may be too tired to cook, or they may need help with preparing meals in advance.

Here are some foods that in-home care can help buy to keep your senior’s fridge stocked, all of which have potential health benefits for the elderly.


Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are amazing for digestive health which is something that seniors are going to need to focus on as they get older. These vegetables have a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, and A in them, which makes them a good choice for seniors who want to keep regular and who want to boost their immune system. This is something that can be eaten with hummus alone, added to stir fry, or even into stew. They are a really good vegetable to have in the fridge, and it is something that in-home care can help add to a grocery list or look for when shopping for a senior household.

Keep in mind that in-home care providers can help seniors go through their fridges to create a list of what is needed, and they can throw out any old peppers if necessary.


Cabbage and Cauliflower

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower are staples to have in the household, and they are super healthy for seniors to eat. They are good for maintaining kidney health and just overall health.

Keep in mind that these vegetables are wonderful for seniors to enjoy, but they can be hard to digest raw. That is why it is recommended that in-home care professionals cook with them and prepare meals in advance. When steamed or baked, these can be easier for seniors to chew and digest, which will help keep them less gassy and bloated.

These vegetables tend to be high in antioxidants that help fight free radicals which can harm their kidneys and other organs too.



Not only are these a tasty snack but they are fresh fruits filled with vitamins that are crucial to maintaining optimal health. Keep in mind that if in-home care cannot find fresh cranberries they can still encourage drinking cranberry juice and even buying dried cranberries to add into salads and stuff!

These berries have antibacterial properties that can help with things like UTIs and kidney damage. Although they may seem hard to cook with, there are tons of ways to enjoy this fruit, like cranberry salad or even just snacking on it straight from the bag.

It’s important to have a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables in a diet and it is crucial for a senior to have a few staples they love to eat every day.



If you or someone you know needs help with In-Home Care in Grand Rapids, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 560-4057 for more information.

Gauthier Family Home Care