Four Ways to Get in Touch with Your Purpose as a Family Caregiver

January is National Be On-Purpose Month, but what does that really mean? Understanding your purpose in life is important because that’s how you guide your choices and your actions. But as a family caregiver, you might sometimes feel as if your purpose is missing or hidden, and that can make you feel as if you’re doing something wrong. 

Make Sure You’re Taking Care of Yourself

Elder Care Comstock Park, MI: Finding a Purpose as a Caregiver

Too many caregivers don’t take proper care of themselves in terms of eating healthy diets, sleeping well and regularly, and exercising regularly. Time is a big factor, but there’s also the misguided belief that they have to only take care of their senior family member. If that’s been you, it’s time to let go of that myth and start to embrace taking care of yourself so that you can take better care of your elderly family member. 

Set up a Help System for Yourself 

To do that most effectively, you’re going to need help. If you’ve got friends and family members who are able to step in and help, ask them to take over some of the tasks that you are ready to delegate. Not everyone has help nearby, though, and that’s where elder care services can make a huge difference. These services offer a way for you to reclaim some of your time and energy so that you can get done what needs to get done. 

Look for Ways to Make Your Senior’s Life Easier 

Another factor to consider is what could make your elderly family member’s life easier now. Does she need someone to drive for her? Or maybe having someone to make meals for her would be helpful and enable her to eat more regularly. Look for the areas where she’s having trouble and explore what options you can help her to put into place. 

Talk to Someone, if You Need To 

Even when you’re doing “all the right things,” you might not completely feel as if you’re on target with your purpose as a family caregiver. Talking to someone else can help. You might want to join a support group made up of other family caregivers or you might find that you need more help. Working with a therapist familiar with the needs of family caregivers can be immensely beneficial. 

Everyone needs to feel as if there’s meaning in what they’re doing. As a family caregiver, you might find yourself feeling so busy at times that your purpose is obscured. 


If you or someone you know needs help with Elder Care in Comstock Park, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care.We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community.Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information. 

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