4 Tips to Help Your Elderly Loved One to Deal with Incontinence

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If your elderly loved one experiences even temporary bouts of incontinence, knowing how to cope can make a huge difference for both of you. With patience, you and your loved one can work out a routine that works for each of you.

Talk to Your Loved One’s Doctor

The first step is always to talk to your elderly loved one’s doctor. He can help determine what is causing the problem your loved one is having with incontinence and develop a plan of attack. He may also recommend other measures, such as temporary use of a catheter, which may help your loved one’s bladder to recover to the point that she’s able to put her issues with incontinence behind her.

Monitor Fluid Intake and Timing

Another tactic that can help your loved one to deal with her incontinence is to be strategic with the fluids that your loved one ingests. Monitoring her fluid intake throughout the day and stopping intake at a certain point in the evening can help your loved one to match her input with her output. She can also determine proper timing for bathroom visits more effectively.

Look into Skin Care Solutions

One of the side problems that can occur when a loved one has incontinence issues is the same kind of issue that babies can develop. Diaper rash, or a close relative of that condition, can be just as irritating for your elderly loved one. Products that contain zinc oxide or corn starch can help to keep your loved one’s skin dry and reduce irritation. Some incontinence products even contain these items to protect your loved one’s skin.

Reassure Your Loved One that Incontinence Isn’t Her Fault

Along with the practical problems related to incontinence are the emotional difficulties. Your elderly loved one may feel that her issues with incontinence are her fault or that they’re something that she should be able to control. This contributes to problems with embarrassment that can be avoided. Do your best to reassure your elderly loved one that you don’t blame her for her problems with incontinence.

Your elderly loved one’s home care providers can also give you tips that can help you and your loved one manage her incontinence issues.

If you or someone you know needs help with home care in Comstock Park, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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