How Social Is Your Mom’s Dog? Why That Matters

Your mom’s home all the time, so her dog is very attached to her. That’s good, but it’s also important that you make sure her dog is social. A dog that hasn’t been socialized becomes anxious in new situations. As anxiety builds, the dog is more likely to react inappropriately. 
When a person comes to your mom’s home, the dog may act aggressively and have to be kenneled while a worker cleans the heating system or repairs the plumbing. The dog may bark and growl at other dogs and people while walking. It can make visits to groomers and veterinarians unpleasant. 
With proper socialization, your mom doesn’t have to worry about having visitors or taking her dog outside. You don’t have to worry about how the dog will react when you stop by. Keeping a pet well socialized is important for everyone. 
How Do You Socialize a Dog?

Caregiver Kentwood, MI: Seniors and Dogs

Caregiver Kentwood, MI: Seniors and Dogs

It’s best to start young. By the time a puppy is a month old, it’s a good time to start exposing the puppy to other dogs and people. Your mom was unlikely to have her dog at this young age. Hopefully, the shelter or original owner took the time. 
If your mom’s dog is older and hasn’t been socialized properly, sign up for dog obedience classes. Make sure she’s walking her dog often and correcting her dog’s behavior if her dog acts aggressively towards other people and animals. When the dog reacts to others appropriately, make sure the dog is praised. 
It takes time to socialize an older dog. Move at the dog’s pace and rely on a leash and harness for control. Don’t expect the dog to love everyone. Just as people experience personality conflicts, the same can happen with dogs. 
Bringing Caregivers Into the Picture 
When your mom needs help living independently, a socialized dog is a must. You can’t have caregivers entering the home and dealing with a scared or aggressive dog. It’s not fair for the dog to remain locked in a room or kennel the entire time. Make sure the dog is socialized and meets the caregiver. 
It can help to have the dog meet caregivers outside of the home first. The caregiver could go for a walk with your mom and her dog. When the caregiver does come into the home the first time, a small treat should be given if the dog behaves correctly. Make sure you tell the home care agency that your mom has a dog so that caregivers are aware there’s a dog in the home. 


If you or someone you know needs help with a Caregiver in Kentwood, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care.We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community.Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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