How to Celebrate New Years With a Senior

You may be planning Christmas with your senior loved one but have you thought about new years eve? What are you going to do when your loved one? This is the day that often gets pushed out of your mind due to the hype surrounding Christmas. However, new years can be just as important as Christmas, and it is a time of new beginnings. It’s another year your loved one is alive, and it’s time to celebrate. They may not be able to drink the night away or party like they used to, but there are tons of activities that seniors can do that are super fun for new years. 

Play Party Games

Home Care Hudsonville, MI: Celebrating New Years

Home Care Hudsonville, MI: Celebrating New Years

Whether you have kids over or all adults, party games can be a hit no matter what age group you have with you. Create a party invite and choose the game ahead of time. This will give your seniors a chance to prepare. They will enjoy knowing what to expect and understanding the party’s timeline. 

See a Firework Show on TV

If your senior still enjoy fireworks or viewing them, you can watch a firework show on TV. Instead of listening to loud noises, turn on the TV show and the sound down low, and listen to soothing music! This can be such a fun way to spend time with your elderly loved one. 

Start a New Tradition

Even if your senior is older and has home care helping them get around, they can still start a new tradition for your grandkids! Find something that symbolizes the new beginnings and encourage your senior loved one to participate. 

Watch Classic Movies

If your kids and seniors need something to do, host a movie night until the new year! This is a fun way to keep everyone entertained and will bring some joy to the whole family. You can watch anything from Sleepless in Seattle to the new kid’s movies on Disney! There is something for everyone. Get comfy and snuggle with the family.

Try New Years Crafts

If you’ve been looking for something fun to do with your senior mom, it’s time to pull out your crafting kits. Have them work on a knit hat or paint with the kids. It can be fun to try pouring paints or splatter paints that mimic fireworks. Or your senior may want to help the kids make their own party hats for the new year!

Sparkling Cider Tasting

Many seniors can’t drink or don’t like drinking anymore, and that’s okay. There are tons of new ciders and non-alcoholic wines you can put together. Create a cider-tasting station at your house with extra snacks for the kids and seniors. 

If you are inviting your senior over but need help getting them to and from your house, you may want to talk with their home care providers. They may be able to help your seniors get from place to place. Your senior can enjoy this winter’s festivities and not feel like they are holding your family back from having fun. It is so crucial to invite your senior to celebrate the new year.

If you or someone you know needs help with Home Care in Hudsonville MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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