How to Discuss Hiring An Elder Care Provider

 Kentwood, MI – How to Discuss Hiring An Elder Care Provider

Most seniors find it difficult to talk about the challenges they are facing.  Whether it’s health-related or involves taking care of themselves or their home, most elderly loved ones have a hard time asking for help.  This can makeElder Care Kentwood MI talking about elder care and possibly hiring a provider very difficult.

Before you talk about the prospect of hiring a home care aide for them, take a moment to think about how you might feel if you were in a similar position. In other words, what if you were dealing with the same balance related problems, diminished strength, loss of focus, inability to remember certain things, and much more. Maybe your elderly loved one is losing their vision or is having trouble hearing.  Put yourself in their shoes, so to speak.  It could be in embarrassing, frustrating, and even depressing to face the prospect of needing assistance for even the most intimate and basic of details, such as bathing and going to the bathroom.

The way you go about discussing elder care will impact how well they listen and consider this option. Below are a few pointers that could help you and anyone else begin the conversation about this important topic.

1.  Focus on the benefits.

Far too often people focus on the challenges that their loved ones are facing. For example, maybe your elderly father is having difficulty navigating up and down the stairs. Instead of focusing on this, encourage him to see that this could provide him the support he needs to get back out in the spring and summer and work in the garden.

2.   Answer questions.

If the senior has questions, be prepared to answer them openly and honestly.  If you are prepared with information about these services, it could help to keep the conversation moving in a positive direction.

3.  Ask about activities your loved ones still wants to do.

When you focus on interests that are important to the elderly individual, they may be more willing to consider professional elder care.  Hopefully, they will realize they might very well be able to do those things once again.

If you or someone you know needs help with elder care services in Kentwood, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

Gauthier Family Home Care
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