Learning To Stay Balanced As a Senior

As seniors age, they may not be able to move like they used to. This can make walking harder and doing basic things more challenging than before. It can be important for personal care at home to help a senior practice balancing exercises to help them maintain the skill to balance. This helps a senior stay mobile, more independent and keep them healthier. A senior may not know what exercises or moves they can do to help practice their balancing skills.

Seniors naturally have less balance, less flexibility, less mobility, which can be hard to manage. This may make a senior feel like they’re losing the little independence they have, which can be hard to cope with. Personal care at home is one of the best professionals to have in a senior’s house to help them age in place and not lose all of their independence. Instead of relying on others, these professionals can provide companionship and help the senior feel more independent and not like a burden at all.

Personal care at home can help with finding senior exercises that will promote flexibility and balance. These don’t have to be super challenging exercises, but they can be light exercises the senior can do every day. If the older adult has any problem areas, it can be a good idea to call in another professional like a physical therapist. They can help a caregiver understand what exercises to avoid and create a joint plan while teaching the senior and personal care at home. Here are some exercises to start trying that will be gentle but effective.

Balance Walk

 Personal Care at Home Lowell, MI: Seniors and Balance Issues

Finding a place with nothing in the way will be important for these exercises. This is something easy that requires no gym and no balance beam. A senior can walk from one point to the next and place one foot right in front of the other as they walk. Ensure that they have their arms spread out to the sides for the proper balance.


If you think you need a full staircase, think again. All you need for this is one small step and it doesn’t have to be big. This could be the sidewalk, a step in the house, or a small stable stool. Having something in front of the senior to grab may also be important to help build balance at first. A senior will step up one leg and then step down, and then step up with the other leg and then back down.

Toe Lifts

All you need for this exercise is something to hang onto in the front of you. This may be a chair, a railing, or a countertop. It needs to be sturdy and stable. A senior needs to spread their feet to their hips and then raise on to their toes. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower back down.

One Leg Stand

This may seem like something so easy to do but it can be challenging for seniors. Standing in front of a chair or countertop a senior will raise one leg and stand on the other for a few seconds. They can repeat this process on the other side.

If you or someone you know needs help with Personal Care at Home in Lowell, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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