Are There Good Sources of Protein Besides Red Meat?


Senior Care in Cascade MI: Are There Good Sources of Protein Besides Red Meat?

As you learn more about a healthy diet and what makes one up, you’ll start to learn more about individual nutrients, like protein. Protein is one of the building blocks for your loved one’s body. It helps with muscles and energy, so it’s pretty important. Here are some ideas for getting protein beyond just red meat.

It’s All About Quality with Protein

There is a certain amount of protein in pizza, cakes, and processed foods. What you and your elderly loved one have to ask yourselves is whether the quality of that protein is what you’re looking for. The same goes for eating red meat every night. There are plenty of other sources of protein that are leaner and that offer additional nutrients, such as fiber and healthy fats.

Fish, Poultry, and Eggs

Fish and poultry are lean sources of protein that don’t have the same drawbacks as red meat. In the case of fish, you’re also getting a dose of healthy fats. Eggs have long been a source of contention. They’re a powerful source of protein, however, and they’re incredibly flexible so they’ll work well in just about anyone’s diet from breakfast all the way to after dinner snacking.

Beans, Seeds, and Nuts

Seeds and nuts, like fish, are an excellent source of proteins and healthy fats. Unlike fish, however, they’re also an excellent source of fiber. Adding a variety of different nuts and seeds to your loved one’s diet gives her a wide range of nutrients. If your loved one has difficulty eating seeds and nuts, look for nut and seed butters without a lot of added salt or sugar. Another alternative is to put those ingredients into smoothies and shakes. As for beans, they’re all a rich source of protein. Stick to dried beans, if possible, so that you have control of what else is in there with the beans.

You Don’t Have to Cut out Red Meat Completely

If your loved one is a diehard red meat fan, fear not. In moderation, red meat may still be acceptable for her to eat. For full information on that, make sure you talk to your loved one’s doctor. He can help you determine how much red meat is okay and how often it’s best for your loved one to enjoy it.

If you need extra help with preparing meals, grocery shopping, or someone staying with your love one while you brave the grocery store, senior care providers can help a lot.

If you or someone you know needs help with senior care in Cascade, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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