Are You a Caregiver? You May be the Quarterback of the Team in Cascade, MI

Caregivers in Cascade, MI

Being a caregiver is a great responsibility. It’s also a wonderful privilege. When you think about the job and responsibilities that are involved with being a home care provider, you might find a few similarities to a favorite American sport: football. No, you don’t need to be a fan of the sport, but you should…

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Bathing a Loved One? Home Care Services Could be an Alternative in Ada, MI

Home Care Services in Ada, MI

Are you taking care of an elderly loved one? Perhaps you agreed to be there for your father as he needed some help getting around the house. If so, then you are to be commended for your generosity and kindness. As anyone who has done this type of caregiving work knows, it’s not easy. However,…

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How Alzheimer’s Can Cause Hoarding and How Elder Care Can Make a Difference in Lowell, MI

Senior Care in Hudsonville, MI

Hoarding, for some people, can approach a level of being dangerous. It can lead to isolation and it can also lead to a major fire hazard. One of the key problems with hoarding is that often, the person who hoards does not have any organization with the things they have and will tend to keep…

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Caregivers in Lowell, MI: Helping your Parent Move to Another Location

Caregivers in Lowell, MI

Sometimes an elderly parent has to make a move to another house. Maybe the family home is getting too large for them to manage and a smaller apartment is more suitable. Sometimes the elder will move to another city to be closer to their adult children. Whatever the reason, there are some things you should…

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What Tax Savings Can a Family Caregiver Take Advantage Of in Ada, MI?

Elder Care in HUdsonville, MI

Being a family caregiver is a great responsibility For some, it’s an honor to take care of the matriarch or patriarch of the family, but no matter what your motivation for doing so, you may be wondering what kind of financial advantages there could be for you, or the person who is actually providing home…

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Senior Care for the Mentally Challenged in East Grand Rapids, MI

Senior Care in Cascade, MI

Being a caregiver can be exhausting both physically and emotionally. Senior care for a person who is mentally challenged can be even more demanding of your time and energy. Mental handicaps range from mild to severe. Therefore, it is important for you to understand the extent of a person’s illness to provide the best quality…

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Dad is Moving In: Three Essential Elder Care Tips in Ada, MI

Elder Care in Rockford, MI

There was a lot of discussion between you and your father, and the rest of your family regarding elder care for him. You wanted to save money and you believed that him living alone in a large house was a relative waste. He could be living with you, you could be providing him with the…

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The Ides of March: Caregiving in the Modern Age in East Grand Rapids, MI

Senior Care in Hudsonville, MI

Being a caregiver today is different than it was many years ago. First, there are far more resources upon which to rely. Also, there are more opportunities for those who wish to pursue this as a career. Technology has also improved the level of care that patients receive. For those who are planning to be…

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Home Care in Grand Rapids, MI: What is a Geriatric Care Manager?

What exactly is a Geriatric Care Manager? A Geriatric Care Manager is a human and health service specialist who also can act as an advocate and guide for families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. He or she has the education and experience in several fields of care management such as nursing,…

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Preparing for Spring in East Grand Rapids, MI: What to Consider when a Loved One Relies on Elder Care

Elder Care in East Grand Rapids, MI

If you live in a part of the country that is dealing with one of the toughest winters in recent memory, then you may be wondering if spring will ever arrive. Rest assured that spring will be here, eventually, and that means that you should start thinking about some of the things to consider when…

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