Bedroom Safety for Seniors: Decluttering and Organizing

Senior home care can help seniors keep their bedrooms safer, organized, and clutter-free.

Senior home care can help seniors keep their bedrooms safer, organized, and clutter-free.

Keeping seniors as safe as possible sometimes means that they need to make some changes in their homes. When it comes to staying safe in the bedroom and while seniors are sleeping, bedroom decluttering and organizing is one easy step to take. Senior home care providers can help with the decluttering and organizing and they can also help aging adults maintain these spaces.


Why Focus on Bedroom Safety?

Mobility often becomes a bigger problem for seniors as they age. They may not be able to avoid obstacles overnight anymore, and changes to vision might mean that they can’t see well at night, even with a nightlight. That makes decluttering and rearranging the room essential to keep seniors from falling or experiencing other injuries.


Remove Anything That Can Go Elsewhere

The first step is to determine if anything in the bedroom can go somewhere else. This means clearing out furniture and items that might not need to be there. Seniors don’t have to give up all of their decor or furniture, but the more mobility challenges they have, the more they need a clear space in which to move around. Clutter or things that stay on the floor might need to go.


Rearrange Furniture to Clear a Path

If seniors are open to the idea, it might be time to look at rearranging the room a bit. Look at how the furniture is laid out and whether it’s blocking a clear path to the door, the bathroom, or any other essential area. Sometimes simply rearranging furniture makes all the difference int he world.


Organize the Bedside Area

Seniors might need to keep some different items next to the bed than they did in the past. Essential items like medications, a phone, and assistive devices need to have a spot where they live that isn’t in the way. Organizing similar items in a bin or basket can help, especially if the nightstand doesn’t have a drawer.


Make Clothing Accessible

If seniors have a lot of clothing that they don’t wear anymore, it might be time to declutter it. Clothing that is comfortable and easy to put on and take off takes priority. Other types of clothing might need to go into deep storage or find a new home altogether. Senior home care providers can help seniors to sort through which clothes they want to make more accessible for daily wear.


Stay on Top of the Clutter

The biggest help in all of this, however, is for seniors to find a way to stay on top of the clutter and keep it nipped in the bud. Senior home care providers can help aging adults to keep spaces clear in their bedrooms and all throughout the house. Taking on this task for seniors allows them to conserve more of their energy for the activities they need and want to do.


Staying safe as an aging adult is crucial and easier than seniors might think if they’re willing to look closely at their surroundings. Decluttering and organizing the bedroom can reduce fall risk and help seniors feel safer overnight. Senior home care providers offer seniors support whether they’re tackling safety concerns or any number of other needs.



If you or someone you know needs help with Senior Home Care in Lowell, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 560-4057 for more information.

Gauthier Family Home Care