Features of Dementia

When your loved one is diagnosed with dementia, it can feel like the end of the world or the end of the person you know and cherish. Depending on which stage they’re in will determine what you can expect and prepare for in the future. If your senior is in an early stage of dementia, they may still be able to live comfortably at home with your help and senior home care providers who have experience in dementia care. 

As dementia progresses, symptoms and behaviors alter. For some individuals, symptoms might worsen quickly. For others, symptoms may worsen gradually over 10 to 20 years. Looking at how things change in the early, middle, and late phases of dementia might help you comprehend this.

You will want to understand what will change, the stages, and what type of care your senior will need in each stage. If you’re not sure what your parent will need even in the beginning stages, it will be essential to hire senior home care with the right experience. 

Mid-Dementia Changes and Features

Senior Care Ada, MI: Dementia Features

 Senior Care Ada, MI: Dementia Features

The early or moderate stage of ADRD is characterized by mild amnesia, particularly of recent events. At this stage, forgetfulness may be the most noticeable symptom, particularly in Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’s disease. In frontal-temporal dementia, cognitive thinking and judgment are somewhat impaired. At this point, you may be confused by challenging activities that need many steps to perform. People strive to conceal moderate perplexity so that acquaintances, coworkers, and family members do not realize anything is amiss.

Even as their memory gets worse, and although this is an early stage, you may start to notice behavior changes in your loved one. Mild dementia patients are aware that something is happening. They may get concerned about the future or experience tension and anxiety. They may get sad as they battle with cognitive changes. Mood changes may be particularly noticeable in a person suffering from vascular dementia. 

Moderate Dementia Changes

People in the intermediate stage of dementia are more forgetful. The confusion worsens as well. Speech and communication are clearly impacted. Judgment and logical reasoning are significantly impaired compared to the early or moderate stage. Caregivers must take over chores that the person with dementia could undertake in the past due to memory issues and confusion. Travel, job, and keeping track of personal funds are generally out of the question at this point.

At this stage, you may start noticing your senior start behaving more erratically. They may start showing off very inappropriate behaviors. Some individuals may ask you questions repeatedly, cry out, or demand your attention. Sleep issues, anxiety, stress, and distrust may all arise.

A person with mild dementia may often walk. This is due to the fact that the region of the brain that governs movement is not injured. If a person can still move or get about comfortably in a wheelchair, they may start to roam. More direct supervision is required than in the early stages of dementia. A senior may not be aware of safety concerns and may end up in more trouble. This is when senior home care is crucial for your senior.

If you or someone you know needs help with Senior Care in Ada, MI, contact Gauthier Family Home Care. We provide quality and affordable home care services in our community. Call us at (616) 258-2300 for more information.

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