Could Your Dad Be Depressed Without You Realizing It?

Senior Care in Kentwood MI: Seniors and Depression

For adults aged 65 or older, about 2 million have a form of depression. Losing a spouse, child, or significant other can play a part in depression in the elderly. Being diagnosed with a chronic health condition is another reason for clinical depression. One of the worries with seniors who are depressed is the risk…

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Does Your Elderly Relative Have a Fire Escape Plan?

Home Care in Rockford MI: Creating a Fire Escape Plan

If your aging relative noticed a fire in their home, would they know what to do to escape? When it is a real emergency, many seniors are not sure how they would escape the home, especially if they are physically or cognitively limited in what they can do. It’s a good idea to create a…

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Getting Serious about Self-Care

Caregiver in Cascade MI: Getting Serious About Self-Care

If you haven’t started focusing on self-care and how that impacts you as a caregiver, you need to change your thinking on that topic. Self-care can be one of the most important and effective things that you do on your caregiving journey. Make the Conscious Decision to Take Care of You. For so many caregivers,…

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Severe Alzheimer’s Disease and What it Means for Your Senior

Elder Care in Grand Rapids MI: The Late Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

Once your elderly family member reaches the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease you’ve both already been through so much together. This stage is still painful, but it can bring with it bigger health problems to add to everything else. She May Lose the Ability to Communicate. Over time, your elderly family member’s ability to communicate…

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Five Items Your Mom Will Want After a Fall

Elderly Care in Hudsonville MI: Five Items Your Mom Will Want After a Fall

Each year, 25 percent of American men and women over the age of 65 falls at least once. Preventative measures will help. You can remove clutter, fix loose flooring, and improve lighting, but it can’t prevent every fall. If your mom falls on an icy sidewalk, trips on stairs, or falls out of bed, you…

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How Do You Manage Delusions That Come With Dementia?

Senior Care in Jenison MI: Managing Delusions Caused by Dementia

Delusions are a frightening symptom of dementia. Not every person gets them, but those who do will start having them in the middle to late stages of the disease. When they happen, they are extremely real and even terrifying to the person with dementia. Your dad may insist that his grandson took his glasses. Your…

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How Can Family Caregivers Find Time to Exercise?

Home Care in Grand Rapids MI: Finding Time to Exercise

If you are vowing to fit more exercise into your weekly routines for your New Year’s resolution, you aren’t alone. Research shows that a healthier diet and more exercise top the list of goals for the new year. However, as a family caregiver, you may have a more difficult time finding spare moments during the…

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What Are the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis?

Elder Care in Comstock Park MI: Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

As people age, it’s not uncommon for them to develop arthritis. The most common kind of arthritis is called osteoarthritis. It is the type of arthritis that occurs when the cartilage that protects the ends of bones wears down due to wear and tear. This makes movement painful and can even cause the bones to…

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Tips for Helping Older Adults Eat

Home Care in Kentwood MI: Tips for Helping Older Adults Eat

If you’re having trouble getting your aging relative to eat, you’re not alone. Many family caregivers struggle with mealtimes and convincing seniors to consume enough food. There are all kinds of reasons older adults don’t want to eat, including medical problems or just feeling lonely when they have to eat alone. If you’re having trouble…

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