Posts by Gauthier Family Home Care
Risk Factors for Pneumonia in Senior Citizens
If you are a family caregiver for your elderly loved one, it is a good idea to learn about the risk factors for pneumonia in senior citizens.
Read MoreTips for Handling Conversations with Someone Who Has Dementia
If your elderly loved one has dementia, you will likely encounter behavior problems.
Read MoreHow Do You Make Sure Your Dad’s Care Plan Covers Everything
Every older adult should have a care plan in place. While your dad may be independent living alone, anything can happen.
Read MoreFour Ways to Help Your Mom When She Has Osteoporosis
Around 10 million U.S. adults have osteoporosis. Another 44 million are believed to have low bone density.
Read MoreFive Facts to Know During National Dairy Month
Why drink milk? It’s packed with vitamins and minerals that aid your health. Learn these five facts about dairy and milk consumption this June.
Read MoreAssistive Devices for Elderly Needing Mobility Help
If you’re the caregiver of an aging parent who has started struggling with getting around either due to weakness, balance issues or injury, you might be looking for solutions to help him continue to live at home.
Read MoreHonoring Those Who Served this Memorial Day
This American holiday is a day set aside to honor the men and women who were in the military and have passed on.
Read MoreCan Meditation Help Aging Adults Handle Stress?
Many elderly people feel stressed on a regular basis. This can put them at a higher risk of suffering from other serious physical and mental health problems.
Read MoreMost Beneficial Anti-Inflammatory Foods Your Elderly Loved One Should Add to Their Diet
If your elderly loved one needs to reduce the inflammation in their body, there are actually some very beneficial anti-inflammatory foods that they should add to their diet.
Read MoreIs Your Elderly Loved One Getting a Cold? Here is How They Can Fight It.
The cold is usually a harmless condition. Many people will get over a cold in a few days to a week and a half. With this being said, having a cold is no fun.
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